Ive been playing Shadow Fight 2 for a couple years now, and if I can tell you one thing about it, its that theres absolutely no freedom in the game. Its set up so that you can only buy a certain item at a certain time; at level 5 you can only buy the machete, or else you have to pay extra to upgrade an old item, or use real money to buy a different one. There is only one build path that doesnt require you to use real money, or pay outrageous upgrade fees. Its a fun game to play through once, but after that one time it looses its appeal extremely quickly. Pay-to-win. If you want nunchucks at level 5, you have better known to save up money ahead of time so you can upgrade your stuff w/o having a chance to earn money, or you HAVE to use real world money. The game takes advantage of you, and puts you in these situations frequently, where to stray from the strict one lane build path WILL cost you cash. But the one thing that really ticks me off about this game is that it forces you to either listen to its soundtrack or play on mute. There is no way to listen to your own tunes while playing this game, which is unfortunate because its much more fun to play while listening to your own hype music. Its 2016. Come on. Stop forcing people to listen to your boring in game soundtrack.